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Map & Compass

Theory and practice

Would you like one?topographic map can read? ThatcompassHow do you use that correctly?

Go withto trust and go out independently'in the outdoors' and enjoy even more what nature teaches ushikers ortrail runners can offer.

On the agenda


16 november 2024

Chartreuzenbos, Holsbeek
Walenbos, Houwaart


All workshops take place outside.
It is possible to register separately for just a theory and/or practical workshop and/or night.

Our classic and famous workshops

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± 2.5h    €20 pp

Location: Chartreuzenbos, Holsbeek

We introduce the topographical map and compass. How can we use both tools together, eg. for walking direction and determination of your position ?


Practice (during the day)

± 3.5 hours    €20 pp

Location: Lindenbos, Linden

We goon step, and apply the theory to a specific area, withconcrete exercises.


Practice (dark)

± 3.5 hours    €20 pp

Location: Walenbos, Houwaart

In the dark or in the fog you have to rely on a limited set of tools. How do you proceed then?

What do we teach you?

We give you thebasics from themap readingand compass use with you, which you will be able to use during your own outdoor adventures. Or maybe on one of oursCheckpoint Challenges orTopotrails?


During the daypractice sessions we go out and simulate the typical navigation situations and the type of assignments that you will be presented with during these trail run competitions.


  • Why should I take a map with me on my (running/walking) trips?

  • What elements can you find on a topographic map? Which elements do you recognize around you?

  • How do you determine your position?

  • How do you interpret the contour lines?

  • How do you determine a viewing or walking direction?

  • How do you calculate the walking distance?

  • What are the coordinates of a certain point?

  • What are the nicest, most challenging or most idyllic options in terms of walking or running route?

  • How do you navigate without prominent points?

  • And what if it's dark?

What do you need to bring ?

  • A compass - If you don't have one, you can rent or purchase one with us

  • A ruler
  • A drawing pencil or pen

  • A compass (to draw circles)

  • A headlamp (for night practice)

Weto sell andrent out top quality navigation material from theSwedish brand Silva oninteresting prices


30€ (incl. VAT)


45€ (incl. VAT)

20€ (incl. VAT)


Special edition

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Navigate to your outdoor coffee!

Location: Langdorp, Rillaar
Learn in 1 daynavigate andfresh outdoor coffee to make.

In association we deliver alloutdoor and coffee lovers a day to really enjoy.

Inschrijven workshop

Register for a workshop


You will receive a payment request after registration.

Do you have a gift voucher from DE24? Then you can use thecode pass it on.

Participant details

Only used for communication on the day of the workshop itself

Selecteer de gewenste sessie(s)

Conditions for participation

Read the  cancellation policy of the DE24 workshops


Participants agree that their personal data will be stored to communicate about this activity. After the activity the data is deleted.

Ready for the bigger work?

Maybe oursTopotrail Trophy orCheckpoint Challenge something for you?

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